
  • Development


  • disqus
  • jekyll
  • blog
  • web

This one will be blazing fast read, at least here. Instead of going all verbose on what I did lets link the places where I got the information from on how to use Disqus + Jekyll.

You gonna need to:

1 - go wild with disqus instructions page and registration

2 - the previous one probably won’t do so follow perfectly random post

3 - then if you get a little lost go to joshualande post

4 - by now everything should work just fine

Don’t forget to:

1 - register at Disqus, I know it sounds dumb to repeat this…

2 - add the comment scripts right after your post content

3 - change Disqus configuration variables (script)

4 - comment out or remove var disqus_developer = 1;, this is for test purposes only

5 - pay attention to comments count tricks they give you, in case you want to display the number elsewhere

Know you just have to get ready for the comments rain!