Quem você pensa que é?
Se você me perguntasse eu talvez lhe dissesse
Nem todo homem, mas sempre um homem…
Mas eu fui criado assim…
Ela e tu
A noite anunciava sua chegada mudando os tons do céu em mesclas de azul, laranja e escuridão.
Podcasts favoritos: 2022
Curadoria de conteúdo ajuda a salvar nosso tempo de passar por um monte de porcaria que as pessoas colocam na internet, fora coisas que só não são do nosso gosto. E como já fui perguntado infinitas vezes quais podcasts estou escutando, decide então começar a mandar meu listão da vez.
[QuickTips] Uma forma de simplificar temas nos seus Apps
Não é incomum criar aplicativos que são muito similares ou até trabalhar em alguns que aplicam diferentes layouts, seja por razões de adaptação cultural, acessibilidade, tema escuro/claro, etc. Não importando a razão, você estaria criando mecanismos para permitir seu app mudar rapidamente entre esses layouts e um codigo bem arquitetado pode ser a diferença entre o sucesso e refatorações subsequentes, ou até pior, um lixo completo de código que alguém irá questionar “podemos jogar isso fora e começar novamente?”.
[QuickTips] One way to simplify theming your Apps
Is not uncommon to create apps that are similar or even work in apps that apply different layouts, be the reason cultural adaptation, accessibility, dark vs light theme, etc. No matter the reason you would be creating mechanisms for allowing your app to quickly changing between layouts, a well-architected code may be the difference between success and subsequent refactoring or even worse total garbage code that someone will question “may we drop this and start anew?”.
CPI da COVID é meu BBB
Pipoca quentinha, amendoim japonês, ou aquele bolinho de jaca, escolha seu salgado pra beliscar e sintonize na TV Senado às 9 am. É, quase, assim que tenho começado minhas manhãs desde a semana do dia 4 de maio de 2021.
Leituras recomendadas: Persépolis
Se tem um gosto que herdei de meu pai que acho muito saudável é a vontade de consumir avidamente boas revistas em quadrinhos, as famigeradas HQs. Comecei com seleções que vieram de fora, principalmente: Batman, Super e Homem X-Men. E somando a essas a infância tem aquele gostinho de Turma da Mônica, Tio Patinhas, Zeca Carioca e Pato Donald.
Leituras recomendadas: Políticas do Design
Pode ser fácil não nos darmos conta do tanto que as produções humanas influenciam toda a sociedade ao seu redor e até ao redor do mundo todo, mesmo quando criadas em um povoado minúsculo no meio de uma ilha remota.
[QuickTips] UIScrollView Screenshot on iOS (Swift)
You can read it in portuguese 🇧🇷 here
[QuickTips] List your keystore contents
This is one is a blazing fast tip, did you ever stumble in a .jks (keystore) file from a client while trying to submit to Google Play that precious app you just finished? Well sometimes, or always…. who knows, your client simply does not have the alias name and has a list of possible passwords.
[A programmer’s journey] Todo App with Swift - 03
Next step for me is composed of two things:
[Quick tip] A guide is always good when working remotely
The title speaks truthfully, remote work is good but ain’t easy as people are used to thinking. Most of the current companies don’t know how to deal with it and some of them even spread horrible lies difficulting the adoption of this wonderful working style.
[Quick tip] Remote developer toolbelt
Being a remote developer isn’t an easy task and as such having tools to make things going as smooth as possible is a must.
[Quick tip] Git ignore
Configure properly .gitignore for each project can be a huge problematic job, even more when messed up he comes back to bite us.
[Be a better pro] The right tool for the job
I’m used to classify myself as a generalist and I receive lots of odd looks from the people around me:
[QuickTips] Check UDP port availability in Android
This time I stumble upon a very unusual problem, at least for me, UDP ports collision. A open source library that I used didn’t garantee that two different apps using that same library would have different UDP ports, so when I installed two of my prototypes one of them didn’t worked properly and unfortunately the library didn’t told me that was the problem it gave me a completely generic error.
[QuickTips] Android Studio shortcut on Linux
I enjoy using terminal, I really do, yet sometimes having a visual shortcut when using an OS may be a nice perk.
[QuickTips] Audio in Games - The mp3 license
Last time we talked about Open Source licenses, but now we enter the realm of game development, more precisely audio a feature that is ignored more that it should be.
[QuickTips] Open Source - Resources to choose a license
To pick a license for an open source code had been always something difficult for me, sometimes still is a little bit puzzling.
[Be a better pro] Taking notes
Take notes is harder than it looks, the problem is not in the action of taking notes itself, but in making actual useful notes, that once back to them you understand whatever was the thing in need to be remembered later.
[QuickTips] Universal Windows Platform - Using Icons with AppBarButton
Hey listen! First post with Windows apps development subject, more specifically speaking UWP development. Since Windows 10 things got mixed. Well, let’s get to the point…
[Be a better pro] Code Quality Journey
Quality is something we all look for in the “shelves” today, be it physical or digital. The best television, the best car, the best clothes, the best education, the best trip, the best book, simply the best “put the name here”, we can even go further and talk about the best experiences and feelings.
[Be a better pro] Not code monkeys
The way we do things in our jobs or while working in pet/open source projects have an impact we tend to ignore or overlook.
[A programmer’s journey] Todo App with Swift - 02
First feature I want to implement is local storage through NSUserDefaults, why? Because it must be simple to do such a small feature giving the opportunity to implement unit tests all along.
[A programmer’s journey] Todo App with Swift - 01
Swift has been surfing the news waves quite some time by now even more after the Open Source Announcement. I have given the though of learning it day one, and to say the truth I read the Apple’s intro book when the first version came off, the problem was I didn’t wanted to commit to the language at that time.
[QuickTips] Using Disqus in your Jekyll Blog
[DevTools] Importing non-gradle projects: JitPack
When comes down to using dependencies in Java/Android projects, Gradle is, at the writing of this post, the most useful tool around.
[QuickTips] Ensure that html tag attribute exists and isn’t empty
Javascript is a language with thousands of frameworks and together with them are thousands of solutions to solve our problems and improve our code bases.
[QuickTips] Turn guide lines in your Android device
Launching applications nowadays require, amongst other things, excellent user experience with awesome visuals, and being a programmer is not only taking care of making code but also caring for whatever one can do to improve those two items.
[DevTools] J2ObjC: How to translate and basic automation with bash
Since J2ObjC1 it’s quite useful I shall bring some technical tips while I’m working with it.
[Quicktips] Presenting: Google’s Material Design
As a person that like to expand my knowledge I look for different areas which can bring more into my life and job.
[DevTools] Alternatives to cross-platform on mobile: j2ObjC
From time to time adding new options to back your solutions and ideas is a good practice and may also be refreshing.
[Off-topic] My first Taqtile Anniversary
Is unusual for me to celebrate and even review the places I work in my anniversaries.
[Be a better pro] Communication
In the search of the path to be a better pro, we often forget that our careers shall not only be built on technical skills.
[Be a better pro] Books to read - Casa do código
Today I have a special post for my fellow brazilians and those that can read in portuguese because the books I’m going to mention are brought to us by Casa do código a brazilian publisher.
[A programmer’s journey] Rust quest - day 6
For us to go further and start creating sample solutions in Rust extending to its parts that we don’t know yet we must finish the basics side quests.
[A programmer’s journey] Rust quest - day 5
Primitive types, the pillar of our future softwares, they are needed for anything we want to model and represent.
[A programmer’s journey] Rust quest - day 4
Continuing our journey lets try more on functions, until now they were plain simple, we just had the main sample.
[A programmer’s journey] Rust quest - day 3
Continuing our journey through these exciting lands of Rust we’re going to unveil variable binding (one can think as it being almost the same thing as normal variables).
[A programmer’s journey] Rust quest - day 2
Before continuing through learning Rust I hit a wall, I had everything I need installed last time and it was enough…. right?
[Be a better pro] Books to read - The Passionate programmer
There is more on career development for programmers than just train hard on their technical “features”.
[A programmer’s journey] Rust quest - day 1
I always loved to learn, I was raised that way, instigated to pursue curiosity and knowledge because it is indeed fun to do it. Now as a programmer I have some urge from time to time to meet new languages, and this is the turn for Rust. It’s not the first time I do this so I’ll try to do something new, that is why you’re reading this. Yup I’m building a devlog to guide others during my journey.
[QuickTips] Ignoring default margin in iOS Autolayout
Apple added default margins to views in the latest iOS version (iOS 8). Is somewhat a helping feature that turns to be a pain when you don’t know how to shut it down.
[DevTools] Logging on OSX/iOS with CocoaLumberjack
It’s not uncommon that a developer has a stack of tools, in fact is quite common to see multiple stacks of choice for each different set of technologies.
I find it to be curious that we aren’t used to share and discuss the whole stack, from our machine, through the programming language, to the server configuration, there are lots of handful decisions, tricks, new tools, and all sort of hidden knowledge locked in the dark corners of our heads.
[DevTools] Online Project Collaboration
From time to time friends keep asking me the same question: Which is the best project management tool you know?
First of all there is no such a thing as the best tool ever to solve a given problem, there are tools and there are problems and we should stick with the stack that solves them.
That said I’d like to share some tools I use or would use.
Welcome to the new blog house!
After so many years using blogspot I decided to move on.